Providing specialist ENT products since 1999.

Providing specialist ENT products since 1999.

Ampcare ESP Kit (Effective Swallowing Protocol)

A non-invasive, CE marked treatment for dysphagia.

The Ampcare ESP Kit combines effective electrical stimulation parameters with resistive exercises to improve the quality of muscle contraction and swallowing function.

It includes a portable powered muscle stimulator with adjustable parameters and Ampcare E Series electrodes that elicit the most comfortable motor contractions by stimulating inactive or atrophied swallowing muscles.

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    How Does ESP Work?

    Combining neuromuscular electrical stimulation with resistive swallowing exercises and postural strategies, ESP works by achieving the following:

    • Movement of the airway out of the foods pathway
    • Stimulation of fast-twitch, powerful muscle fibers to elicit motor contraction
    • A 30-minute treatment time, providing 60, 72, or up to 90 swallowing attempts
    • A safe, effortful swallow
    • Decreased risk for aspiration

    Why Does ESP Work?

    ESP follows the guidelines of 60 years of research using electrotherapy combined with exercise physiology:

    • Proper electrode placement over the affected swallowing muscles
    • Frequencies aligned with firing rates of motor neurons (Luschei et al 1999)
    • Parameters based on the relationship between amplitude and pulse duration
    • A duty cycle that will decrease the risk of metabolic fatigue (Enika et al 2008)
    • Principles of specificity training employed using effortful swallowing exercises (Hawley et al 2008)

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