Dear Customers, The Directors of O Neill Healthcare Ltd. are delighted to announce that we have restructured our business, effective from 1st January 2019. We have created a new company, Sentient Healthcare Ltd., to focus on our ENT ranges: Laryngectomy Tracheostomy...
Due to the growing popularity of the EMST150 (Expiratory Muscle Strength Trainer) amongst physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals, we have decided to put together this article answering some of the main questions about respiratory muscle strength training....
Ampcare ESP Kit, a revolutionary new treatment for Dysphagia. We are delighted to introduce a new treatment for Dysphagia, the Ampcare ESP Kit (Effective Swallowing Protocol). Dysphagia is the medical term for the symptom of difficulty in swallowing which can be...
This article is part 4 of 4-part series on dysphagia. The previous articles in this series have outline what dysphagia is, how it is diagnosed and treated and outlined how important it is to keep hydrated if you are living with dysphagia. In this article, we will...
This article is part 3 of 4-part series on dysphagia. Water intake is often a secondary consideration in dysphagia management. Water makes up 75% of the volume of the body. The NHS advises that where appropriate, patients should be drinking 2.5 litres of water per...